rss:9d9437cc2bdadfdb0c2a6594385b5cf5548bd329 rss_modified:rss:9d9437cc2bdadfdb0c2a6594385b5cf5548bd329 Gamespot's Everything Feed! News, Reviews, Videos. Exploding with content? You bet. en-us Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:18:23 -0700
Bungie announced at Gamescom 2014 that it currently has two expansions for Destiny in the works, each of which will introduce new competitive and cooperative adventures, as well as new weapons, armor, and player gear. The first of these expansions, titled The Dark Below will launch in December and introduce "its own story," Bungie has said.
"We call it an expansion because it has one of all the activity types from Destiny, so it's story, strike and beyond—and competitive and cooperative experiences in there," Bungie Director of Production Jonty Barnes told Joystiq in an interview. "As well as new gear, new armor, new weapons and everything else."
Barnes said that at least some of the new story content will take you through different parts of areas included in the main game, so you'll still run into players who don't have the expansion. "We always want to create spaces where people can get together and cooperate, and we feel like that is a big innovation in Destiny," he said.
Bungie also released a trailer (above) showing off gameplay from the game's Mars location.
Publisher Activision recently revealed that Destiny is the most preordered new IP in GameStop's history. It launches September 9 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
For more on the game, be sure to read GameSpot Editor Kevin VanOrd's feature on what to expect from Destiny's competitive multiplayer mode, the Crucible.
]]> 1100-6421768Sat, 16 Aug 2014 16:41:00 -0700 2 developer Ruffian Games has revealed Hollowpoint, a tactical, 2.5D shooter for the PlayStation 4 and PC.
Ruffian describes Hollowpoint as a blend of traditional 2D side-scrolling action with 3D targeting, meaning enemies will come at you from the front and background, not just left and right. Each level will procedurally generate objectives, level layouts, and events, and can be played with up to four players cooperatively via Steam or PSN. As you progress through the game, you'll earn experience and skill points you can use to upgrade the operatives and equip them with different abilities, weapons and equipment.
Earlier this year Ruffian tried to crowdfund a physics-based puzzle games through Square Enix's crowdfunding initiative Collective, but put the project on hold after it failed to garner a lot of support.
A new Crackdown game for Xbox One is currently in development at Microsoft Studios by a team led by Dave Jones, who worked on the original game. Little is known about it at this point, save for the fact that it will offer a co-op campaign, online multiplayer, and destructible environments.
Hollowpoint will be published by Paradox Interactive on both the PC and PS4 in 2015. You can read more about the game on its official website.

The Last of Us Remastered is already a best-selling game on PSN and at the top of the July NPD top 10 games sales list, but don't expect to see too many more PlayStation 4 HD remasters of PlayStation 3 games.
"You can't have too many of these things otherwise next-gen just looks like rehashed last-gen and we certainly don't want that," PlayStation Europe executive Jim Ryan told CVG in an interview. "I think the balance is just about right but you know, there are other games that could be looked at, but there'll come a point where next gen will have moved on and rehashing old-gen will have passed its sell-by date."
Ryan explained that bringing a game like The Last of US to PS4 made a lot of sense because it earned great reviews and came out near the launch of the PS4. For the people who transitioned to a PS4 from a competing platform last generation, it was also the first opportunity to play it. Ryan said that Sony will look at bringing other PS3 games to PS4 when it "makes sense."
At Gamescom 2014, Sony also announced that it's bringing Journey and The Unfinished Swan to PS4 and that they'll both run at 1080p.
Which PS3 games would you like to see remastered on PS4? Let us know in the comments below.
]]> 1100-6421766Sat, 16 Aug 2014 14:11:00 -0700
The Evil Within, the survival horror game developed by Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami and Tango Gameworks, will take you between 15-20 hours to complete depending on what difficulty setting and play style you choose.
The news comes from publisher Bethesda Softworks European PR Manager Alistar Hatch, who shared the estimate on his Twitter account.
Earlier this week Bethesda announced that The Evil Within will also offer a $20 DLC pass. The pass will give players access to three expansion, the first of which lets you play as The Keeper (above), one of the game's enemies, in a series of "sadistic," mission-based maps. The pass will also give players access to a two-part, story-driven expansion starring Juli Kidman, the mysterious partner of main character Sebastian Castellanos. Bethesda didn't say how much the DLC pieces will cost separately, but said that the pass is the best deal.
The Evil Within launches on October 14 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC.
How long could you stand to play a horror game like The Evil Within? Let us know in the comments below.
]]> 1100-6421765Sat, 16 Aug 2014 13:23:00 -0700
Star Citizen, the upcoming PC space sim from Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts, has released teaser trailers for its first-person shooter, racing, and planetary exploration modules.
According to the short statement on the game's website, a different, still unnamed studio is working on the FPS module, which will allow players to board enemy ships and fight other players from a first-person perspective. The 40-second video doesn't show any gameplay, but it is supposedly in-engine. According to the teaser, we should learn more about it during PAX Australia. Chris Roberts previously said that the plan is to release the FPS module after the planetside module (below) and before the single-player portion of the game called Squadron 42.
The trailer for Star Citizen's racing module gives us a much better idea of what to expect. It will be added to the game in v 0.9, and allow players to compete for the "Murray Cup." As you can see in the video, it looks like a straightforward racing game, with players flying their ships through checkpoints and boosts around a track.
Finally the Roberts Space Industries Constellation Commercial gives us our first look at Star Citizen's planetside features. As Roberts explained in a previous post, atmospheric combat and ground exploration were among the most common feature requests for Star Citizen. In order to achieve it, Star Citizen had to form a team dedicated to researching and developing procedural generation technology (like the one No Man's Sky uses), which it did when it hit its $41 million funding stretch goal.
The trailer, which riffs on Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, doesn't show much gameplay, but it does show us how the game's Aquila spaceship can land and deploy a ground vehicle. The planetside module should release to backers in fall 2014.
For more on Star Citizen and Roberts himself, check out part one and part two of GameSpot's interview with the legendary designer.
]]> 1100-6421764Sat, 16 Aug 2014 12:36:00 -0700
2K Games' 4-versus-1 first-person monster hunting game Evolve won the Best of Gamescom 2014 Award, Gamescom organizers have announced. It also won in the most categories. In addition to winning the Best of Gamescom Award, the expert jury named it the Best Console Game Microsoft Xbox, Best Action Game, Best PC Game, and Best Online Multiplayer Game.
Sony and Nintendo are the only other companies to win in multiple categories. Nintendo won the Most Wanted Consumer Award (getting the most votes from consumers online and Gamescom attendees) with Super Smash Bros., Best Console Game Nintendo Wii with its paint-based shooter Splatoon, and Best Mobile Game with Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. Sony won both the Best Family Game and the Best Social, Casual, or Online Game awards with LittleBigPlanet 3.
A total of 140 submissions were entered for this year's Gamescom awards, 54 of which made it to the group of nominees.
Here's the full list of winners and nominees:
Best of Gamescom Award:
- Winner -- Evolve (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
Most Wanted Consumer Award
Best Console Game Sony PlayStation:
Best Console Game Microsoft Xbox:
Best Console Game Nintendo Wii:
Best Role Playing Game:
Best Action Game:
- Winner -- Evolve (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
- The Order: 1886 (Sony)
- Far Cry 4 (Ubisoft)
- Ori and the Blind Forest (Microsoft)
- Super Smash Bros. For Wii U (Nintendo)
Best Simulation Game:
Best Sports Game:
Best Family Game:
- Winner -- LittleBigPlanet 3 (Sony)
- Skylanders Trap Team (Activision Blizzard)
- Silence (Daedalic Entertainment)
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)
- Yoshi's Woolly World (Nintendo)
Best PC Game:
- Winner -- Evolve (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
- Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Entertainment)
- The Evil Within (Bethesda Softworks/ZeniMax)
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)
Best Mobile Game
Best Social / Casual / Online Game:
Best Online Multiplayer Game:
- Winner -- Evolve (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Activision Blizzard)
- Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Entertainment)
- FIFA 15 (Electronic Arts)
- Forza Horizon 2 (Microsoft)
Best Hardware (including peripherals):
- Winner -- Oculus Rift DK 2 (Oculus VR)
- Virtualizer (Cyberith)
- Project Morpheus (Sony)
- Amiibo (Nintendo)
- SHIELD Tablet and SHIELD Wireless Controller (NVIDIA)
We have even more coverage of the games and stories around Gamescom throughout the weekend, but you can check it all out on our hub page here.
[CORRECTION] An earlier version of this story wrongly stated that Evolve was the only game to win in multiple categories. LittleBigPlanet 3 did as well. GameSpot regrets the error.
]]> 1100-6421763Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:47:00 -0700 2300-6420880Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:00:00 -0700 2300-6420879Sat, 16 Aug 2014 10:21:00 -0700 2300-6420874Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:55:00 -0700 2300-6420715Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:00:00 -0700 are two Assassin's Creed games coming out this year: Assassin's Creed Rogue, which will let you play as a Templar for the first time in the series, and Assassin's Creed Unity, set in Paris during the French Revolution. According to Ubisoft, if you think that's a little too much Assassin's Creed you're in the "vocal minority."
"There are the hardcore Assassin's Creed fans that are happy to play two games and there are of course many fans who have not yet made that financial move to go to next-gen," Assassin's Creed Rogue producer Karl von der Luhe told Eurogamer. "And these are the guys that we're really catering for—they're thankful for the fact that they will have a compelling Assassin's Creed game to play on either their Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3."
According to Luhe, Ubisoft decided to release two Assassin's Creed games this year a long time ago, but he didn't say when it began production on Assassin's Creed Rogue. However, he said that the team is confident with the amount of time it had, even if it had a shorter development cycle than Assassin's Creed Unity, which went into development shortly after Assassin's Creed Brotherhood in 2010.
Assassin's Creed Unity launches October 28 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and. PC. Meanwhile, Assassin's Creed Rogue comes to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on November 11. We published previews for both games this week, which you can read through the links below.
]]> 1100-6421762Sat, 16 Aug 2014 08:31:00 -0700 2300-6420873Sat, 16 Aug 2014 08:15:00 -0700
Back in May, Microsoft announced that it will launch a cheaper, Kinect-free Xbox One unit, and ever since we haven't seen Microsoft talk about the device as much. It was barely mentioned during the company's E3 2014 press conference, and most recently at its Gamescom press conference.
According to Head of Xbox Phil Spencer, Microsoft hasn't abandoned the device, it's just that it's difficult to demo on stage.
"I don't know, maybe it's me but I always feel that playing Kinect games on stage is always a little tough, because it's just too easy for people to make fun of how people look when they're jumping around playing," Spencer told CVG in an interview. "And then if you show a Kinect game without somebody playing you sort of lose what the game is about."
Spencer noted that Microsoft did briefly show a clip of Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 at Gamescom during an ID@Xbox montage because people understand how the game works even by looking at just on-screen gameplay. He also said that Microsoft has a section of Kinect games at Gamescom where attendees can try Kinect themselves.
Microsoft announced three Xbox One bundles at Gamescom: a white Sunset Overdrive bundle, a 1TB hard drive Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare bundle, and a FIFA 15 bundle exclusive to Europe. Spencer explained that none of these include a Kinect because they're not bundled with Kinect games.
We have even more coverage of the games and stories around Gamescom throughout the weekend, but you can check it all out on our hub page here.
]]> 1100-6421761Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:43:00 -0700 2300-6420872Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:06:00 -0700 2300-6420871Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:06:00 -0700rss:9d9437cc2bdadfdb0c2a6594385b5cf5548bd329 rss_modified:rss:9d9437cc2bdadfdb0c2a6594385b5cf5548bd329 Gamespot's Everything Feed! News, Reviews, Videos. Exploding with content? You bet. en-us Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:18:23 -0700
Bungie announced at Gamescom 2014 that it currently has two expansions for Destiny in the works, each of which will introduce new competitive and cooperative adventures, as well as new weapons, armor, and player gear. The first of these expansions, titled The Dark Below will launch in December and introduce "its own story," Bungie has said.
"We call it an expansion because it has one of all the activity types from Destiny, so it's story, strike and beyond—and competitive and cooperative experiences in there," Bungie Director of Production Jonty Barnes told Joystiq in an interview. "As well as new gear, new armor, new weapons and everything else."
Barnes said that at least some of the new story content will take you through different parts of areas included in the main game, so you'll still run into players who don't have the expansion. "We always want to create spaces where people can get together and cooperate, and we feel like that is a big innovation in Destiny," he said.
Bungie also released a trailer (above) showing off gameplay from the game's Mars location.
Publisher Activision recently revealed that Destiny is the most preordered new IP in GameStop's history. It launches September 9 for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.
For more on the game, be sure to read GameSpot Editor Kevin VanOrd's feature on what to expect from Destiny's competitive multiplayer mode, the Crucible.
]]> 1100-6421768Sat, 16 Aug 2014 16:41:00 -0700 2 developer Ruffian Games has revealed Hollowpoint, a tactical, 2.5D shooter for the PlayStation 4 and PC.
Ruffian describes Hollowpoint as a blend of traditional 2D side-scrolling action with 3D targeting, meaning enemies will come at you from the front and background, not just left and right. Each level will procedurally generate objectives, level layouts, and events, and can be played with up to four players cooperatively via Steam or PSN. As you progress through the game, you'll earn experience and skill points you can use to upgrade the operatives and equip them with different abilities, weapons and equipment.
Earlier this year Ruffian tried to crowdfund a physics-based puzzle games through Square Enix's crowdfunding initiative Collective, but put the project on hold after it failed to garner a lot of support.
A new Crackdown game for Xbox One is currently in development at Microsoft Studios by a team led by Dave Jones, who worked on the original game. Little is known about it at this point, save for the fact that it will offer a co-op campaign, online multiplayer, and destructible environments.
Hollowpoint will be published by Paradox Interactive on both the PC and PS4 in 2015. You can read more about the game on its official website.

The Last of Us Remastered is already a best-selling game on PSN and at the top of the July NPD top 10 games sales list, but don't expect to see too many more PlayStation 4 HD remasters of PlayStation 3 games.
"You can't have too many of these things otherwise next-gen just looks like rehashed last-gen and we certainly don't want that," PlayStation Europe executive Jim Ryan told CVG in an interview. "I think the balance is just about right but you know, there are other games that could be looked at, but there'll come a point where next gen will have moved on and rehashing old-gen will have passed its sell-by date."
Ryan explained that bringing a game like The Last of US to PS4 made a lot of sense because it earned great reviews and came out near the launch of the PS4. For the people who transitioned to a PS4 from a competing platform last generation, it was also the first opportunity to play it. Ryan said that Sony will look at bringing other PS3 games to PS4 when it "makes sense."
At Gamescom 2014, Sony also announced that it's bringing Journey and The Unfinished Swan to PS4 and that they'll both run at 1080p.
Which PS3 games would you like to see remastered on PS4? Let us know in the comments below.
]]> 1100-6421766Sat, 16 Aug 2014 14:11:00 -0700
The Evil Within, the survival horror game developed by Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami and Tango Gameworks, will take you between 15-20 hours to complete depending on what difficulty setting and play style you choose.
The news comes from publisher Bethesda Softworks European PR Manager Alistar Hatch, who shared the estimate on his Twitter account.
Earlier this week Bethesda announced that The Evil Within will also offer a $20 DLC pass. The pass will give players access to three expansion, the first of which lets you play as The Keeper (above), one of the game's enemies, in a series of "sadistic," mission-based maps. The pass will also give players access to a two-part, story-driven expansion starring Juli Kidman, the mysterious partner of main character Sebastian Castellanos. Bethesda didn't say how much the DLC pieces will cost separately, but said that the pass is the best deal.
The Evil Within launches on October 14 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC.
How long could you stand to play a horror game like The Evil Within? Let us know in the comments below.
]]> 1100-6421765Sat, 16 Aug 2014 13:23:00 -0700
Star Citizen, the upcoming PC space sim from Wing Commander creator Chris Roberts, has released teaser trailers for its first-person shooter, racing, and planetary exploration modules.
According to the short statement on the game's website, a different, still unnamed studio is working on the FPS module, which will allow players to board enemy ships and fight other players from a first-person perspective. The 40-second video doesn't show any gameplay, but it is supposedly in-engine. According to the teaser, we should learn more about it during PAX Australia. Chris Roberts previously said that the plan is to release the FPS module after the planetside module (below) and before the single-player portion of the game called Squadron 42.
The trailer for Star Citizen's racing module gives us a much better idea of what to expect. It will be added to the game in v 0.9, and allow players to compete for the "Murray Cup." As you can see in the video, it looks like a straightforward racing game, with players flying their ships through checkpoints and boosts around a track.
Finally the Roberts Space Industries Constellation Commercial gives us our first look at Star Citizen's planetside features. As Roberts explained in a previous post, atmospheric combat and ground exploration were among the most common feature requests for Star Citizen. In order to achieve it, Star Citizen had to form a team dedicated to researching and developing procedural generation technology (like the one No Man's Sky uses), which it did when it hit its $41 million funding stretch goal.
The trailer, which riffs on Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, doesn't show much gameplay, but it does show us how the game's Aquila spaceship can land and deploy a ground vehicle. The planetside module should release to backers in fall 2014.
For more on Star Citizen and Roberts himself, check out part one and part two of GameSpot's interview with the legendary designer.
]]> 1100-6421764Sat, 16 Aug 2014 12:36:00 -0700
2K Games' 4-versus-1 first-person monster hunting game Evolve won the Best of Gamescom 2014 Award, Gamescom organizers have announced. It also won in the most categories. In addition to winning the Best of Gamescom Award, the expert jury named it the Best Console Game Microsoft Xbox, Best Action Game, Best PC Game, and Best Online Multiplayer Game.
Sony and Nintendo are the only other companies to win in multiple categories. Nintendo won the Most Wanted Consumer Award (getting the most votes from consumers online and Gamescom attendees) with Super Smash Bros., Best Console Game Nintendo Wii with its paint-based shooter Splatoon, and Best Mobile Game with Super Smash Bros. for 3DS. Sony won both the Best Family Game and the Best Social, Casual, or Online Game awards with LittleBigPlanet 3.
A total of 140 submissions were entered for this year's Gamescom awards, 54 of which made it to the group of nominees.
Here's the full list of winners and nominees:
Best of Gamescom Award:
- Winner -- Evolve (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
Most Wanted Consumer Award
Best Console Game Sony PlayStation:
Best Console Game Microsoft Xbox:
Best Console Game Nintendo Wii:
Best Role Playing Game:
Best Action Game:
- Winner -- Evolve (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
- The Order: 1886 (Sony)
- Far Cry 4 (Ubisoft)
- Ori and the Blind Forest (Microsoft)
- Super Smash Bros. For Wii U (Nintendo)
Best Simulation Game:
Best Sports Game:
Best Family Game:
- Winner -- LittleBigPlanet 3 (Sony)
- Skylanders Trap Team (Activision Blizzard)
- Silence (Daedalic Entertainment)
- LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)
- Yoshi's Woolly World (Nintendo)
Best PC Game:
- Winner -- Evolve (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
- Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Entertainment)
- The Evil Within (Bethesda Softworks/ZeniMax)
- Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
- Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment)
Best Mobile Game
Best Social / Casual / Online Game:
Best Online Multiplayer Game:
- Winner -- Evolve (Take-Two Interactive/2K)
- Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Activision Blizzard)
- Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Entertainment)
- FIFA 15 (Electronic Arts)
- Forza Horizon 2 (Microsoft)
Best Hardware (including peripherals):
- Winner -- Oculus Rift DK 2 (Oculus VR)
- Virtualizer (Cyberith)
- Project Morpheus (Sony)
- Amiibo (Nintendo)
- SHIELD Tablet and SHIELD Wireless Controller (NVIDIA)
We have even more coverage of the games and stories around Gamescom throughout the weekend, but you can check it all out on our hub page here.
[CORRECTION] An earlier version of this story wrongly stated that Evolve was the only game to win in multiple categories. LittleBigPlanet 3 did as well. GameSpot regrets the error.
]]> 1100-6421763Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:47:00 -0700 2300-6420880Sat, 16 Aug 2014 11:00:00 -0700 2300-6420879Sat, 16 Aug 2014 10:21:00 -0700 2300-6420874Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:55:00 -0700 2300-6420715Sat, 16 Aug 2014 09:00:00 -0700 are two Assassin's Creed games coming out this year: Assassin's Creed Rogue, which will let you play as a Templar for the first time in the series, and Assassin's Creed Unity, set in Paris during the French Revolution. According to Ubisoft, if you think that's a little too much Assassin's Creed you're in the "vocal minority."
"There are the hardcore Assassin's Creed fans that are happy to play two games and there are of course many fans who have not yet made that financial move to go to next-gen," Assassin's Creed Rogue producer Karl von der Luhe told Eurogamer. "And these are the guys that we're really catering for—they're thankful for the fact that they will have a compelling Assassin's Creed game to play on either their Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3."
According to Luhe, Ubisoft decided to release two Assassin's Creed games this year a long time ago, but he didn't say when it began production on Assassin's Creed Rogue. However, he said that the team is confident with the amount of time it had, even if it had a shorter development cycle than Assassin's Creed Unity, which went into development shortly after Assassin's Creed Brotherhood in 2010.
Assassin's Creed Unity launches October 28 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and. PC. Meanwhile, Assassin's Creed Rogue comes to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on November 11. We published previews for both games this week, which you can read through the links below.
]]> 1100-6421762Sat, 16 Aug 2014 08:31:00 -0700 2300-6420873Sat, 16 Aug 2014 08:15:00 -0700
Back in May, Microsoft announced that it will launch a cheaper, Kinect-free Xbox One unit, and ever since we haven't seen Microsoft talk about the device as much. It was barely mentioned during the company's E3 2014 press conference, and most recently at its Gamescom press conference.
According to Head of Xbox Phil Spencer, Microsoft hasn't abandoned the device, it's just that it's difficult to demo on stage.
"I don't know, maybe it's me but I always feel that playing Kinect games on stage is always a little tough, because it's just too easy for people to make fun of how people look when they're jumping around playing," Spencer told CVG in an interview. "And then if you show a Kinect game without somebody playing you sort of lose what the game is about."
Spencer noted that Microsoft did briefly show a clip of Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 at Gamescom during an ID@Xbox montage because people understand how the game works even by looking at just on-screen gameplay. He also said that Microsoft has a section of Kinect games at Gamescom where attendees can try Kinect themselves.
Microsoft announced three Xbox One bundles at Gamescom: a white Sunset Overdrive bundle, a 1TB hard drive Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare bundle, and a FIFA 15 bundle exclusive to Europe. Spencer explained that none of these include a Kinect because they're not bundled with Kinect games.
We have even more coverage of the games and stories around Gamescom throughout the weekend, but you can check it all out on our hub page here.
]]> 1100-6421761Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:43:00 -0700 2300-6420872Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:06:00 -0700 2300-6420871Sat, 16 Aug 2014 07:06:00 -0700Anda sedang membaca artikel tentang
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